University of Lincoln Academy Trust

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Joining the Trust

Why should you join the University of Lincoln Academy Trust?

University of Lincoln Academy Trust is diverse, consisting of five academies in the south east of Lincolnshire. We have an 11-19 (8 Form Entry (FE)) secondary academy and an 11-16 (5FE) secondary academy; a 310 place primary academy, a 70 place primary academy and a 2 -11 special school for autistic children with 98 places. Two of our academies are convertors who chose to join and two are sponsored schools.

This diversity is unusual and has given the Trust significant expertise in leading developments in all phases of statutory state education. There has been universal support from parents and governors from all schools that have joined the Trust.

There are many reasons why you may wish to consider joining our Trust, the best way is to come and speak to staff and principals of each academy.

Below are areas for you to consider: 

  • UoLAT is underpinned by the University of Lincoln, with its strong governance and comprehensive expertise in the full range of services that we can draw on if required. This gives us the background assurance, should there be a major challenge. The University is highly supportive, but also gives the Executive Team freedom to manage the Trust.

  • UoLAT is fundamentally committed to the original principles associated with the creation of academies; giving Principals/Headteachers the freedoms to manage, so they can innovate and take ownership for the development of their academy, without a plethora of centrally imposed structures and processes, which we believe are not necessary or appropriate for all academies in a trust.

  • UoLAT has a clear ethos, mission, vision and values, anyone joining the Trust must be willing to fulfill this ethos, whilst retaining some flexibility and the ability to place different emphasis depending on their circumstances.

  • UoLAT is totally committed to putting children first in its decision making, children are our key focus at all times.

  • UoLAT is very proud that it has highly committed staff and in taking four academies into the Trust we have had no staff or parental complaints about joining the Trust, or not living up to what was promised; there has been considerable praise.

  • UoLAT works to national and local conditions of service, including pensions.

  • UoLAT is committed to staff development, where possible, growing its own future leaders; we work closely with the University of Lincoln on higher level qualifications for staff.

  • UoLAT is committed to ensuring low central costs, ensuring maximum resources are spent on children and young persons’ learning and support.

  • UoLAT does not top-slice your budget, it delegates the full budget and then charges academies for any central services; this means all central costs are explicit and there is total transparency in financial matters.

  • UoLAT allows all academies to maintain and build their own reserves, our academies are expected to demonstrate they are able to live within their means.

  • UoLAT has very skilled and experienced Trustees who monitor each academy carefully at a strategic level, taking an overview of the leadership and management of the Trust.

  • UoLAT has a clearly defined role for local governors and welcome their involvement in monitoring and supporting their academy.

  • UoLAT has a highly experienced group of senior staff willing to share ideas and their expertise with other staff in the Trust; Principals have found this to be an invaluable support structure. To save time and travel, many senior staff meetings are carried out on-line.

  • UoLAT have developed expertise in online teaching and learning, with the development of new ways of working, which is central to our philosophy.

  • UoLAT has its own apprenticeship scheme and is highly committed to the delivery of T Levels as part of its agenda of improving social mobility.

  • UoLAT is contracted for five years to provide the outreach Autism and Learning Difficulties service for all Lincolnshire schools.