University of Lincoln Academy Trust

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Meet our Members

Members (ID 1153)

  • Professor Neal Juster
  • Simon Parkes
  • Mark Tinsley
  • Anita Backhouse
    (Chair of the Trust)


Members have a similar role to that of shareholders of a company limited by shares and in this case they are the sponsors of the Trust.

  • They are the subscribers to the trust’s memorandum of association (where they are founding members) and may amend the articles of association subject to any restrictions in the articles, the funding agreement or charity law. The members must approve any new funding agreement and they reserve the right to approve or otherwise any decisions related to new schools or academies joining the Trust
  • They appoint and remove their own members. They appoint and remove Trustees including the Chair and may, by special resolution, issue direction to the trustees to take a specific action
  • They appoint the trust’s auditors and receive the trust’s audited annual accounts.
  • They have power to change the name of the company and, ultimately, wind up the academy trust.

University of Lincoln Academy Trust has five members with three members being University employees and two members being independent.

There are no lengths to the term of office.

No employee of the Trust is a member.

Members will normally meet a minimum of three times a year.

The Trust's Governance Professional will support and minute Members meetings; minutes are not published.