University of Lincoln Academy Trust

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Key Trust Team Members

Acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Accounting Officer  

Andy Breckon

Providing valuable support to Principals and Executive Teams across the Trust.  Supports AGCs and is in attendance at Members’ meetings.

A key part of the post is to oversee a strong governance and accountability framework throughout the Trust, whilst providing Executive Principals/Principals the scope and freedom to take their academies forward. Although the CFO is the professional lead on finance, the CEO is the Accounting Officer, having a key role in ensuring the finances are well managed and within set budgets. The CEO has the day-to-day operational lead responsibility, working with the Chair of the Trust, also working with Chairs of AGCs.

The CEO will have responsibility for carrying out the annual performance management of the Director of Primary Education (Executive Principal) and CFO, reporting back to Trustees to agree the next year’s targets. The CEO has the responsibility for appointing new Principals; acting as chair of a panel, which will also include the Chair of the AGC and at least one other governor. The CEO also chairs the Executive Management Board and will represent the Trust during any Ofsted inspections.

Director of Primary Education and Executive Principal (Holbeach Primary Academy and Holbeach Bank Academy)

Susan Boor 

Susan Boor has over 18 years of Primary School Leadership experience, helping to manage and support colleagues in both academies. Both Academies work closely together sharing senior leadership and many policies and procedures.

Appointed as an Ex-officio member of the Academy Governing Committee for Holbeach Primary Academy and Holbeach Bank Academy, the Director of Primary Education and Executive Principal supports the Chair (working with the Governance Professional) by setting agendas and reviewing policies that have been delegated to the Committee.

Executive Principals are invited to attend meetings of the Board of Trustees, to provide updates on their academies and answer Trustee questions.


Liam Davé (University Academy Long Sutton)

Sue Goodsell (Monkhouse Primary Academy)

Tiffany Hebron (Wrangle Primary Academy)

Sheila Paige (University Academy Holbeach)

Katharine Saywell (Gosberton House Academy)

Principals have delegated powers, with very clear responsibilities and authority for the day-to-day running of their academy; they are accountable to the CEO and Trustees. The aim of the Trust is to give maximum authority to its Principals, within the framework of good governance, to enable them to optimise performance of their academy. The level of autonomy may vary depending on the performance of each academy.

Principals are invited to meetings of the Board of Trustees at the discretion of the CEO and/or at the request of Trustees (this will usually be on a rotating basis). Like with Executive Principals, they will provide updates on their academies and answer Trustee questions.

Appointed as Ex-officio members of Academy Governing Committees, Principals support the Chair (working with the Governance Professional) by setting agendas and reviewing policies that have been delegated to the Committee.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Ben Mawford

A chartered certified accountant, supporting both Trustees and the CEO. The CFO’s responsibilities include; oversight of the Trust’s Accounting, Audit and Finance functions,  returns to bodies including DfE and ESFA, review and implementation of financial policies and procedures, preparation and oversight of the annual budget, supporting the Audit and Risk Committee and to implement any recommendations arising from an audit inspection.

The CFO is invited to attend the Board of Trustees and the Audit and Risk Committee, in a supporting capacity. The CFO also forms part of the Executive Management Board, providing the CEO and Principals with regular updates on the financial management of the Trust.

Support is also provided to Academy Governing Committees, with attendance at meetings providing an overview of the budget and advice on finance matters.

Trust Finance Manager

Elaine Menzies

The Finance Manager has responsibility for the day-to-day management of the Trust’s accounts; working closely with Principals and the Chief Finance Officer. The main responsibilities are: preparation of monthly management accounts, cash records, VAT compliance and the Trust’s payroll.

Support is also provided to Academy Governing Committees, with attendance at meetings, providing an up to date overview of the budget and providing advice on finance matters.

Trust I.T. Lead

Rob Scarth

Establishing common I.T. and digital technology throughout the Trust, ensuring robust digital security and developing systems.

Trust Designated Safeguarding Lead

Nicola Kenyon

The Trust’s Lead on Safeguarding, supporting Designated Safeguarding Leads within each academy. Responsibility for; facilitating training for Trustees and members of staff, conducting safeguarding audits and oversight of Policies and Procedures.

Nicola is also Chair of the Safeguarding and Child Protection Committee, working closely with DSL’s discussing national guidance and establishing Trust wide approaches.

Trust Governance Professional

Shelley Thirkell

Responsible for the organisation, governance compliance and support of; Members, Board of Trustees (and its committees), Chair of the Trust, CEO and Executive Management Board (including any sub-committees). Also responsible for day to day administration for the Trust, which includes the preparation of all employment contacts.

Attendance and day to day support of Academy Governing Committees is the responsibility of the Governance Professional within each academy.

Education Consultant

Louise Stanton (SEND)

The Trust is committed to growth and continual development. To assist in supporting the central team and Principals the Trust has retained the services of former executive leaders, ensuring their wealth of experience and expertise are retained, helping support this commitment.

The Education Consultant (SEND) supports the Trust’s overall commitment to needs of SEND Pupils, in particular working alongside GHA’s Principal in helping to manage the Working Together Team Local Authority Contract. Additional roles include supporting the project management of GHA’s move to an ‘all needs’ school and the Local Authority funded building programme.